
Our clients evaluate our service

"Your research and innovative yet practical marketing strategies have seen our business grow to reach an overwhelming 67% increase over the last two years. This well exceeds all our most optimistic projections…"
S. Williams - Globus & Cosmos

"Marketing Methods' blueprint increased household consent to SewerFix program from 45% to 92% in 12 months… Marketing Methods are driven to deliver what Sydney Water wants, at the best cost, and best quality…"
J. Ross, Sydney Water

    "I like Marketing Methods' down-to-earth approach. They reflect a style that means getting down and dirty with me and the job at hand. They have an undeniable dedication to the client…" C. Lewis - Becton Dickinson

    "The subsequent changes implemented from (your) recommendations resulted in gross profit increased 27% between the financial year. Net profit before tax has increased 50%..." J. Stewart - Joss Stewart Financial Services

    "Marketing Methods assistance (over the past couple of years) has been invaluable regarding your input in the development and implementation of new marketing strategies and activities. You certainly put us on the right track and we are absolutely delighted with the results..."
    M. Cruise - Sunbeam Tours

    "I have been repeatedly impressed by your immediate and penetrating grasp of marketing situations - often in different sectors."
    M. Hollingworth - Communico

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